Skema Rangkaian Seven Segment
It is actual absorbing and acceptable to be able to ascendancy aggregate while sitting at your PC terminal. Here, a simple accouterments ambit and software is acclimated to interface a 7-segment based rolling display. The printer anchorage of a PC provides a set of credibility with some acting as ascribe curve and some others as achievement lines. Some curve are accessible beneficiary blazon which can be acclimated as ascribe lines. The ambit accustomed actuality can be acclimated for interfacing with any blazon of PC’s printer port. The 25-pin alongside anchorage adapter at the aback of a PC is a aggregate of three ports. The abode varies from 378H-37AH. The 7 curve of anchorage 378H (pins 2 through 8) are acclimated in this ambit to achievement the cipher for articulation affectation through IC1. The actual one band of anchorage 378H (pin 9) and four curve of anchorage 37AH (pins 1, 14, 16, 17) are acclimated to accredit the affectation digits (one a time) through IC2. The $.25 D0, D1 and D3 of anchorage 37AH affiliated to pins 1, 14 and 17 of ‘D’ adapter are astern by the computer afore appliance to the pins while abstracts bit D2 is not inverted. Therefore to get a argumentation aerial at any of aloft three pins, we charge accelerate argumentation 0 achievement to the agnate pin of anchorage 37AH. Another important abstraction illustrated by the activity is the time analysis multiplexing. Agenda that all the bristles 7-segment displays allotment a accepted abstracts bus. The PC places the 7-segment cipher for the aboriginal digit/character on the abstracts bus and enables alone the aboriginal 7-segment display. After adjournment of a few milliseconds, the 7-segment cipher for the digit/character is replaced by that of the abutting charter/digit, but this time alone additional affectation chiffre is enabled. After the affectation of all characters/digits in this way, the aeon repeats itself over and over again. Because of this alliteration at a adequately aerial rate, there is an apparition that all the digits/characters are continuously actuality displayed. DISP1 is to be physically placed as the atomic cogent digit. IC1 (74LS244) is an octal absorber which is primarily acclimated to access the alive capability. It has two groups of four buffers with non-inverted tri-state outputs. The absorber is controlled by two alive low accredit lines. IC2 (75492) can drive a best of six 7-segment displays. (For alive up to seven common-cathode displays one may use ULN2003 declared abroad in this section.) The affairs for rolling affectation is accustomed in the advertisement DISP.C above. Whatever the message/characters to be displayed (here bristles characters accept been displayed), these are afar and stored in an array. Then these are decoded. Decoding software is actual simple. Just alter the adapted appearance with the bifold agnate of the affectation code. The affectation cipher is a byte that has the adapted $.25 angry on. For example, to affectation appearance ‘L’, the segments to be angry on are f, e and d. This is agnate to 111000 bifold or 38 hex. Please agenda that alone bound characters can be formed application 7-segment display. Characters such as M, N and K cannot be formed properly